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NZSSD NZTA "fitness to drive" assessment

20 Jun 2021

From 8 November 2018 appropriately qualified nurse practitioners and registered nurses, working within their scope of practice, will be able to carry out a fitness to drive assessment.

Under law changes that came into effect on 8 November 2018 appropriately qualified nurse practitioners and registered nurses, working within their scope of practice, will also be able to carry out a fitness to drive assessment.

This change reflects New Zealand's changing health care environment and recognises that, for example, appropriately qualified and competent nurse practitioners and specialist registered nurses have the expert clinical knowledge and skills to assess fitness to drive.

Scope of practice is defined in the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003.

Section 8 of that Act makes it clear that health practitioners must:

- have a current practising certificate issued by the responsible authority (such as the Nursing Council of New Zealand)

- not practise outside their scope of practice unless permitted to do so by the scope of practice

- perform that service in accordance with any conditions stated in the scope of practice.

If you require further help with establishing what is consider “scope of practice” you will need to contact the responsible authority ie. Nurses council.