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2023 Annual Scientific Meeting and Annual General Meeting

4th May 2023 - 6th May 2023

4 Queens Wharf, Jervois Quay, Wellington, (right on Wellington’s waterfront)


Tēnā koutou katoa

On behalf of the organising committee, it is my pleasure to announce registrations are now open for the Annual Scientific Meeting in Wellington, New Zealand beginning at 3pm on Thursday 4 May and finishing at 1pm on Saturday 6 May. Please follow the link to the conference website where you will find all details including a draft programme:

Registrations are also now open for the Special Interest Days for Diabetes Nurses, Diabetes Registrars, Podiatrists and the Clinical Network for Children and Youth on the morning of May 4th. Primary Care Clinicians will have a meeting on the afternoon of Saturday 6 May after the conclusion of the ASM. For all SIG groups you will additionally be able to attend the ASM session for the day that you are meeting as part of your SIG Day registration.

The NZSSD Executive is also delighted to offer travel grants to provide further assistance to attend the ASM to those members who do not have dedicated CME funds (if applying you will be asked to declare this). You must be a member of NZSSD for at least one year to apply and we strongly encourage you to do so. Applications for this will close with the early-bird closing date.

Please note that both the ASM and SIG meetings will be face-to-face events. Hosting a hybrid meeting with a dedicated platform does significantly increase the registration fee and so 2023 will be an in-person only event with no virtual attendance option.

And a reminder that the call for abstracts is also open and we look forward to receiving your submissions. This is also done via the conference website.

We look forward to seeing you in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington next May.

Ngā mihi

Sonya Fraser

NZSSD ASM 2023 Convenor

Mrs Sonya Fraser
Meeting Convenor

2023 Annual Scientific Meeting and Annual General Meeting - New Zealand Society for the Study of Diabetes

Important Dates

15 November 2022

Abstract submissions open (10.00pm)

01 December 2022

Travel Grant Applications Open (10.00pm)

01 December 2022

Early Bird Registration Open (10.00pm)

17 February 2023

Abstract submissions close (5.00pm)

10 March 2023

Abstract submissions decision date (10.00pm)

19 March 2023

Early bird registrations close (10.00pm)

20 March 2023

Standard Registration Rates Apply From (10.00pm)

28 April 2023

Standard Registration Rates Apply To (10.00pm)

29 April 2023

Late Fee Applies From (10.00pm)

Download Dates

Important Actions